Photo by NSDAR
Find a North Carolina Chapter
With over 100 chapters throughout the state, there is a DAR chapter near you—wherever you live in North Carolina.
Chapter links will take you to a chapter website. Contact us if you would like us to help you find a chapter. We are eager to assist you on your way to membership in the Daughters of the American Revolution!
Albemarle—Yadkin River Patriots Chapter, website
Asheboro—Colonel Andrew Balfour Chapter, website
Asheville—Edward Buncombe Chapter, website
Asheville—Ruth Davidson Chapter, website
Boone—Daniel Boone Chapter, website
Brevard—Waightstill Avery Chapter, website
Burlington—Battle Of Alamance Chapter, website
Cary—Asbury Station Chapter, website
Cary—Yates Mill Chapter, website
Chapel Hill—Davie Poplar Chapter, website
Chapel Hill—William Hooper Chapter, website
Charlotte—Battle Of Charlotte Chapter, website
Charlotte—Halifax Convention Chapter website
Charlotte—Liberty Hall Chapter, website
Charlotte—Mecklenburg Chapter, website
Charlotte—Mecklenburg Declaration Of Independence Chapter, website
Charlotte—Piedmont Patriots Chapter, website
Cherryville—Tryon Resolves Chapter, website
Clinton—Richard Clinton Chapter, website
Concord—Cabarrus Black Boys Chapter, em>website
Crossnore—Crossnore Chapter, website
Currie—Battle Of Moores Creek Bridge Chapter, website
Denver—Vesuvius Furnace Chapter, website
Durham—General Davie Chapter, website
Eden—George Reynolds Chapter, website
Edenton—Edenton Tea Party Chapter, website
Elizabethtown—Battle Of Elizabethtown Chapter, website
Elkin—Jonathan Hunt Chapter, website
Farmville—Major Benjamin May Chapter, website
Fayetteville—Colonel Robert Rowan Chapter, website
Fayetteville—Liberty Point Chapter, website
Flat Rock—Abraham Kuykendall Chapter, website
Franklin—Battle Of Sugartown Chapter, website
Garner—Rand’s Mill Chapter, website
Gastonia—Major William Chronicle Chapter, website
Gastonia—Peter Smith Chapter, website
Gastonia—William Gaston Chapter, website
Goldsboro—David Williams Chapter, website
Greensboro—Colonel Arthur Forbis Chapter, website
Greensboro—Guilford Battle Chapter, website
Greensboro—Rachel Caldwell Chapter, website
Greenville—Susanna Coutanch Evans Chapter, website
Halifax—Elizabeth Montfort Ashe Chapter, website
Hendersonville—Joseph McDowell Chapter, website
Hickory—Hickory Tavern Chapter, website
Hickory—John Hoyle Chapter, website
High Point—Alexander Martin Chapter, website
Huntersville—Alexandriana Chapter, website
Jacksonville—Joseph Montfort Chapter, website
Kernersville—Joseph Kerner Chapter, website
Kill Devil Hills—Virginia Dare Chapter, website
Kings Mountain—Colonel Frederick Hambright Chapter, website
Kinston—Moseley-Bright Chapter, website
Lake Junaluska—Hugh Rogers Chapter, website
Lenoir—Tucker’s Barn Chapter, website
Lexington—Leonard’s Creek Chapter, website
Louisburg—Shocco Creek Chapter, website
Lincolnton—Jacob Forney Chapter, website
Lumberton—Colonel Thomas Robeson Chapter, website
Madison—James Hunter Chapter, website
Marshall—Rebecca Sevier Waddell Chapter, website
Mint Hill—Clear Creek Militia Chapter, website
Monroe—John Foster Chapter, website
Mooresville—Mary Slocumb Chapter, website
Morehead City—Fort Hancock Chapter, website
Morganton—Quaker Meadows Chapter, website
Mount Olive—Carolina Patriots Chapter, website
New Bern—Richard Dobbs Spaight Chapter, website
North Wilkesboro—Rendezvous Mountain Chapter, website
Old Fort—Greenlee Chapter, website
Oxford—John Penn Chapter, website
Pinehurst—Temperance Smith Alston Chapter, website
Pittsboro—Deep River Chapter, website
Plymouth—Brick House Landing Chapter, website
Raleigh—Caswell-Nash Chapter, website
Raleigh—Colonel Polk Chapter, website
Raleigh—Micajah Bullock Chapter, website
Raleigh—Samuel Johnston Chapter, website
Reidsville—William Bethell Chapter, website
Rockingham—General Henry William Harrington Chapter, website
Rocky Mount—Micajah Pettaway-Halifax Resolves Chapter, website
Roxboro—Thomas Person Chapter, website
Rutherfordton—Griffith Rutherford Chapter, website
Salisbury—Elizabeth Maxwell Steele Chapter, website
Sanford—Private John Grady Chapter, website
Shelby—Benjamin Cleveland Chapter, website
Smithfield—Smith-Bryan Chapter, website
Southern Pines—Alfred Moore Chapter, website
Southport—Brunswick Town Chapter, website
Statesville—Fort Dobbs Chapter, website
Swansboro—Otway Burns Chapter, website
Taylorsville—Carolina Emerald Chapter, tbd
Wake Forest—General James Moore Chapter, website
Wallace—Battle Of Rockfish Chapter, website
Washington—Major Reading Blount Chapter, website
Whiteville—Major General Robert Howe Chapter, website
Williamston—Grimes-Mayo Chapter, website
Wilmington—Stamp Defiance Chapter, website
Wilmington—Wilmington Ladies Tea Walk Chapter, website
Wilson—Thomas Hadley Chapter, website
Winston-Salem—Battle Of Shallow Ford Chapter, website
Winston-Salem—Colonel Joseph Winston Chapter, website
Winston-Salem—Old North State Chapter, website
District 1
Abraham Kuykendall Chapter, website
Battle Of Sugartown Chapter, website
Edward Buncombe Chapter, website
Greenlee Chapter, website
Griffith Rutherford Chapter, website
Hugh Rogers Chapter, website
Joseph McDowell Chapter, website
Rebecca Sevier Waddell, website
Ruth Davidson Chapter, website
Waightstill Avery Chapter, website
District 2
Benjamin Cleveland Chapter, website
Carolina Emerald Chapter, tbd
Colonel Frederick Hambright Chapter, website
Crossnore Chapter, website
Daniel Boone Chapter, website
Hickory Tavern Chapter, website
Jacob Forney Chapter, website
John Hoyle Chapter, website
Major William Chronicle Chapter, website
Peter Smith Chapter, website
Quaker Meadows Chapter, website
Rendezvous Mountain Chapter, website
Tryon Resolves Chapter, website
Tucker’s Barn , website
Vesuvius Furnace Chapter, website
William Gaston Chapter, website
District 3
Alexandriana Chapter, website
Battle Of Charlotte Chapter, website
Cabarrus Black Boys Chapter, website
Clear Creek Militia Chapter, website
Halifax Convention Chapter, website
John Foster Chapter, website
Liberty Hall Chapter, website
Mecklenburg Chapter, website
Mecklenburg Declaration Of Independence Chapter, website
Piedmont Patriots Chapter, website
Yadkin River Patriots Chapter, website
District 4
Battle Of Shallow Ford Chapter, website
Colonel Joseph Winston Chapter, website
Elizabeth Maxwell Steele Chapter, website
Fort Dobbs Chapter, website
George Reynolds Chapter, website
James Hunter Chapter, website
Jonathan Hunt Chapter, website
Joseph Kerner Chapter, website
Leonard’s Creek Chapter, website
Mary Slocumb Chapter, website
Old North State, website
William Bethell Chapter, website
District 5
Alexander Martin Chapter, website
Alfred Moore Chapter, website
Battle Of Alamance Chapter, website
Colonel Andrew Balfour Chapter, website
Colonel Arthur Lee Forbis Chapter, website
Deep River Chapter, website
General Henry William Harrington Chapter, website
Guilford Battle Chapter, website
Private John Grady Chapter, website
Rachel Caldwell Chapter, website
Temperance Smith Alston Chapter, website
District 6
Asbury Station Chapter, website
Caswell-Nash Chapter, website
Colonel Polk Chapter, website
Davie Poplar Chapter, website
General Davie Chapter, website
General James Moore Chapter, website
John Penn Chapter, website
Micajah Bullock Chapter, website
Rands Mill Chapter, website
Samuel Johnston Chapter, website
Shocco Creek Chapter, website
Smith Bryan Chapter, website
Thomas Person Chapter, website
William Hooper Chapter, website
Yates Mill Chapter, website
District 7
Battle Of Elizabethtown Chapter, website
Battle Of Moores Creek Bridge Chapter, website
Battle Of Rockfish Chapter, website
Brunswick Town Chapter, website
Colonel Robert Rowan Chapter, website
Colonel Thomas Robeson Chapter, website
Fort Hancock Chapter, website
Joseph Montfort Chapter, website
Liberty Point Chapter, website
Major General Robert Howe Chapter, website
Otway Burns Chapter, website
Richard Clinton Chapter, website
Stamp Defiance Chapter, website
Wilmington Ladies Tea Walk Chapter, website
District 8
Brick House Landing Chapter, website
Carolina Patriots Chapter, website
David Williams Chapter, website
Edenton Tea Party Chapter, website
Elizabeth Montfort Ashe Chapter, website
Grimes-Mayo Chapter, website
Major Benjamin May Chapter, website
Major Reading Blount Chapter, website
Micajah Pettaway/Halifax Resolves Chapter, website
Moseley-Bright Chapter, website
Richard Dobbs Spaight Chapter, website
Susanna Coutanch Evans Chapter, website
Thomas Hadley Chapter, website
Virginia Dare Chapter, website